Carillon Chimes
From March 1985 until the end of 2014, the Bathurst Family History Group has published it’s regular journal, CARILLON CHIMES, every second month. Beginning in 2015, the journal was published quarterly.
The journal gives details of the current activities of the group, family history activities around Australia and articles about Bathurst and its earlier citizens, members’ stories, and articles of historical, entertainment or local interest. Planned events and activities are also available here
Each issue includes an update of recent additions to the Group’s resource library and Research Inquiries from members and correspondents.
Every issue of Carillon Chimes that has been published is available for download from our website. Acrobat Reader is required to open each document.
The DOWNLOAD of CARILLON CHIMES has been moved to the members area.
Financial Members of the Group can login to access an index of all articles pubished in CARILLON CHIMES and also download any previous issues.