Bathurst Pioneers
Return | Index of Surnames on the “Pioneer Register CD”
If a name appears more than once, the number of entries is shown in brackets.
This index covers all entries appearing in the publication, including spouses, children, parents and pioneers. It is possible that a person appears in more than one of those roles. If a person appears in the Pioneer register as a pioneer, as a spouse and as a parent, the 3 entries would actually be for only one person.
Aarons (15), Abbot (2), Abbott (4), Abdy, Ablett (7), Absell, Ackermann, Acres, Adam, Adams (11), Adlam (28), Adnett, Agland (2), Agnew, Ah Chipp (4), Ah Fooh (11), Ah Kee (8), Ah Lin (5), Ahearn (4), Ahern (6), Ainsworth (30), Aitken (2), Alderman (2), Alexander (3), Allan (22), Allen (4), Allerton, Allsopp (31), Allsopp Hayes, Amos, Anderson (79), Andrew, Andrews (4), Annear (2), Annetts, Anstiss (10), Anthony (3), Antwiss, Appleby (7), Archer (44), Arendt (8), Arkell (7), Armour (19), Armstong, Armstrong (79), Armytage, Arnold (22), Arrow (48), Arthur (30), Arundell, Ashe, Ashford (14), Ashton (6), Ashworth (64), Askew (2), Asmus (4), Asprey, Atcheson, Atkins (104), Atlee, Atterbury, Attwell (11), Attwood (7), Austin (27), Avend, Avern (9), Avery (2), Azire (4).
Backhouse (6), Badens, Badleigh (29), Badman (2), Bagnall (30), Bailey (69), Baillee (2), Baillie, Baines, Baird (3), Baken, Baker (65), Balcomb (10), Baldock, Baldwin, Balfour (29), Ball (3), Baltch (2), Bampton (9), Banks (6), Banning, Baragry (2), Barker (31), Barkle (2), Barlow (17), Barnes (102), Barnett (10), Barr (3), Barrass, Barrett (21), Barron (2), Barry (23), Barsden (10), Barter, Bartholemew, Bartle (13), Bartlett (2), Barton (32), Bass, Bassett (10), Bastable, Batcheldor (8), Bateman, Bates (25), Bather (12), Batrup, Batt, Battley (2), Batty, Bauboir, Bawden (9), Baxter (3), Bayford, Baylis (88), Bayliss (84), Bayly (3), Beacham (10), Beale (16), Beales, Bean, Beard (13), Beasley (18), Beatson (2), Beattie, Beatty (3), Beauchamp (18), Beaufort, Beaver (6), Beckinsale, Beever (5), Begg (15), Beggs, Begley (13), Behan (56), Bell (173), Bellamy (3), Bellden (12), Belldon, Bellingham, Bender (2), Bennett (30), Benson (13), Bentley (31), Bernard (23), Berrell (2), Berry (32), Bertelsen (6), Best, Bestwick (83), Betts, Beuzeville (8), Beuzeville-Robertson, Beveridge (3), Bigg (3), Biggs (11), Bignell (2), Billing (2), Bingham (4), Binks (2), Birch (6), Bird, Birney (2), Birrell, Black (3), Blacker, Blacket (11), Blackman (128), Blackwell (3), Blair (2), Blake (4), Blakefield, Blamey (2), Blethin, Bligh (3), Bliss (54), Blithman, Bloomfield, Blount, Blowes (21), Blunden (15), Blunt, Board, Boardman (10), Boggis (4), Bolam (3), Bolitho, Bolton (2), Bond, Bone, Bonfield (2), Bonham (68), Bonner, Bonnor (20), Bonster, Boote (2), Bootes, Booth (132), Borthwick, Boschettih, Boss (36), Bosworth (16), Bottrell (11), Bouclet (2), Boulton, Bourke (29), Bourne (5), Bowden, Bowen, Bower (2), Bowers (5), Bowie (7), Bowler (6), Bowley, Bowling, Bowman (17), Bowra, Bowrey (5), Boxall (10), Boyce (3), Boyd (33), Boylan, Boyle (4), Bradford, Bradley (7), Brady (7), Brailey (19), Brairley, Bramley (2), Brammer (20), Branch, Brannon, Brashaw, Brassington (2), Bray (23), Brazier, Bremner (6), Brennan (14), Brickwood (2), Bridger (7), Briggs (3), Bright (6), Brimble (2), Bringolf (21), Britton, Broad, Broadbent (6), Broadfoot (6), Brockbank, Brockwell (23), Brodie (3), Brody (6), Bromfield, Bromley, Bromwich (7), Brook (15), Brown (134), Browne (48), Browning (30), Brownlow (16), Brownrigg (7), Bruce (65), Brunt (7), Bryant (35), Bryden (18), Bryson (5), Buckingham (8), Buckley, Budd (3), Budden (20), Budds (2), Budge (25), Buisson, Bulgaries (3), Bulger (24), Bulloch (41), Bullock (68), Bulmer (2), Bunyan (27), Burchett (12), Burfitt (3), Burgess (43), Burke (13), Burnett (15), Burney (2), Burnham, Burns (31), Burrell (2), Burrells, Burrow (22), Burrows (5), Burslem (10), Burton (81), Busby (11), Bushell (15), Butcher (8), Butler (57), Butters (35), Button (4), Byers (12), Byfield (2), Byrne (16), Byrnes (13), Byrom (20).
Cady (7), Cafe (5), Cahill (4), Caird (5), Caldwell (16), Callaghan (25), Callan (29), Cameron (17), Camidge, Campbell (56), Cansdell (3), Cantwell (6), Caplin, Cardwell (13), Carey (21), Carlon, Carmichael (2), Carmody (2), Carney (16), Carpenter (34), Carr (4), Carroll (41), Carter, Cartwright (2), Carty (6), Case, Casey (50), Cash (66), Cashman (59), Cass (3), Cassidy (7), Casson (7), Castle (10), Cather, Cathie (7), Catley, Cattermole, Caugherty (7), Cavan (8), Cavanagh (31), Cavery (2), Chadban (2), Chadwick (15), Chalson (7), Chambers (5), Chapman (43), Charles (2), Charlton (13), Charman, Chatman (4), Chatterley, Cheney (25), Chesher (7), Cheshire (8), Chew (75), Chick (10), Chifley (8), Chilvers (25), Chiplin (20), Chippendale (13), Chippendall (5), Chippindall (30), Chisolm (2), Chittenden (10), Christie, Christopherson (11), Christy (2), Churches (35), Chute, Clancy, Clapham (2), Clark (42), Clarke (48), Clarkson, Clayton (6), Clear, Cleary, Clements (20), Coates (27), Cobb (2), Cobcroft (2), Cobham (2), Cochrane (29), Codrington (8), Coffee (31), Coke, Colahan (9), Colbourne, Cole (107), Coleman (22), Coles (10), Colgahoon, Colless, Colley (27), Collins (46), Colliss (6), Collits, Colquhoun, Colvin, Colwell (9), Combellack, Combes (10), Condon (8), Connell, Connelly (8), Connolly (18), Connor (9), Connors (10), Considine (9), Convoy, Conway, Cook (44), Cooke (50), Coombs (10), Cooper (32), Coote, Copeman (5), Coplin (2), Copperwaite (2), Corben (2), Corbett (15), Corcoran (3), Cordre, Core (11), Corkan, Cornelius (3), Cornish (8), Cornwell, Corrigan, Cortis (11), Cosgrave, Cosgrove (14), Cosier (16), Costello (45), Costigan (6), Cott (2), Cottingham, Cotton (9), Cottrell, Coughlan (2), Courquin (2), Cousins (103), Cowell (87), Cowen (10), Cowley (6), Cox (91), Cox-Walden, Coxhedge (2), Coyle (2), Crabb, Crabtree (2), Crack (8), Cragie, Crago (10), Craig, Crane (3), Cranston (13), Crawford (2), Crawley (16), Cregan, Crief (6), Crignon, Cripps (7), Croaker (15), Crockett (9), Croft (14), Crofton (4), Crofts (64), Cronin (2), Crosby (3), Croslend, Crossley (11), Crossman, Croucher, Crowe, Crozier, Cryle, Cubis (46), Cullen (44), Cummings (18), Cummins, Cuningham (3), Cunningham (18), Cunynghame (6), Curley, Curren, Currey (110), Curry (17), Curtin (20), Curtis, Cusick (25), Cussens, Cuthbert (9), Cutler (27), Cutts.
Dagger (19), Dainty (3), Dalby, Dale (10), Dalgairns, Daly, Daniel (3), Dargin (40), Dargin (Gorman) (4), Darney (10), Darvill, Davey (21), Davidson (29), Davies (50), Davis (141), Davison (82), Davoran, Dawes (2), Dawson (79), Day (19), Daymond (15), De Belin (2), De Belle (12), De Clouet (14), de Mestre (7), Deacon (6), Deadman (15), Dean (15), Death (2), Dee, Deegan, Dein (10), Delaney (78), Delany (11), Delayney, Dempsey (17), Dempster (9), Dengate (31), Denning (2), Dennis (59), Deramond (2), Derecourt, Deveson (22), Dewar (11), Dibley (12), Dickie, Dickman, Dillon (16), Dinger (7), Dinneen, Disney (4), Ditton, Dixon (4), Dobbie (13), Dobell (2), Dobican, Dobinson, Dockrill (2), Dodd (44), Doggett, Doherty, Doig (9), Dolan (3), Domager (18), Donald, Donley (18), Donnal (2), Donnellan (2), Donnelly (72), Donnolley, Donovan (7), Dooley (4), Doran (11), Dorin (3), Dougherty (2), Doughty (20), Douglas (4), Douglass (12), Doulman (7), Dover (2), Dovey (28), Dowling (49), Downes, Downie, Downing (2), Downs (2), Downy (5), Dowse, Dowsett (11), Dowton (16), Doyle (10), Drady (10), Drake (2), Draper (37), Draugharty, Dredge (16), Dreis, Drew (43), Drewett (2), Drury (8), Drynan (8), Ducie, Duffin, Duggan (17), Duke (7), Dulhunty (3), Dumble (8), Dumbrell (3), Dun (2), Dunbar, Duncan (14), Dunford (40), Dunleavy (10), Dunlery, Dunlevy, Dunlop (10), Dunn (7), Dunne (2), Dunnings (2), Dunsmore (24), Dunstan, Durack (8), Dustow, Dwyer (43), Dye, Dyf?, Dyson (19).
Eades (33), Eagle, Eagles (18), Eagleston (11), Eames, Earp (10), Eather (12), Ebert (2), Ebsworth, Edlin, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards (82), Egan (3), Egars, Eggis, Eggleston (18), Elcock (2), Elliner, Ellinor, Elliot (2), Elliott (3), Ellis (12), Elms (10), Elnor, Elphinston (2), Elsden, Elson, Ely, Emanuel (2), Emmett (12), Enderby (13), England, English (105), Ennis (2), Enright (2), Entwistle (2), Ettles, Euler (4), Evans (84), Everingham, Evernden (7), Ewer (22), Ewin (10), Eyre (9).
Fagan (21), Fairchild (6), Fairs, Falvery (2), Falvey (69), Fanning (2), Fardell (11), Farr (14), Farrar (2), Farrell (18), Farrington, Faviell (7), Fawcett (4), Fawkner (2), Fayle, Featherstonehaugh, Feebrey (63), Feeney (29), Fell (8), Felstead, Fennell, Fenton (9), Ferguson (53), Fergusson, Ferrier (13), Ferris, Field (89), Fillingham (4), Finch (94), Fines (14), Finigan (6), Finlay (2), Finley (18), Finn (20), Finnamore, Finnessy, Finucane (2), Fish (26), Fishburn (15), Fisher (34), Fitch, Fitt, Fitzgerald (30), Fitzgibbon (15), Fitzpatrick (20), Fitzsimmons, Flack (2), Flanagan (89), Flannery (4), Fleeting, Flegg, Fletcher (6), Flint, Flood, Flower (4), Floyd, Flynn (37), Fogarty (2), Foker, Foley (74), Fonseca (9), Foot (2), Foran (71), Forbes, Ford (24), Forde (2), Foreman (11), Forrest (22), Forrester (6), Fortune (6), Foster (91), Fowler, Fox (3), Foxcroft (2), Foyel (9), Fragar (4), Frances, Francis (2), Frape (13), Fraser (2), Frazer, Free (3), Freedy (2), Freeland, Freeman (41), Freeson (11), French, Friend, Fritchley (7), Frogley (19), Froom, Frost (11), Fuller (4), Fulloon (8), Fulton (116), Funnell, Furlong, Furner (12), Furness (27), Fyans.
Gaffey (13), Gaffneey (2), Gaffney (12), Gale (18), Gallagher, Galvin, Gant (10), Gardiner (21), Garland (24), Garlick, Garment (12), Garner (14), Garrard (10), Garth, Gartrell (22), Gaston (2), Gately, Gathercole (36), Gatty, Gaud (11), Gaul (2), Gauntlet, Gavin, Gaynon (9), Geake, Gearon (7), Gee (2), Geehan (4), Geikie (8), Gell (8), Gellard (8), Genge (7), Genstes, George (22), Getty (2), Gibbons (73), Gibbs (2), Gibson, Gibsone (13), Gilbert (14), Giles (30), Gill (25), Gillard, Gilleese, Gilles (2), Gillespie (24), Gilmore (6), Gilmour (23), Gilroy (2), Glasson (17), Glazebrook (30), Glazier (10), Gleave, Gleeson (27), Glynn (4), Godden (70), Godfrey (62), Goffing (3), Gold (22), Goldrick (24), Goldsborough, Golsby (3), Gonard (2), Goninan, Gooda (17), Goodacre (14), Goodall, Goodlet (12), Goodman, Goodwin (8), Gordon (10), Gorman (93), Gornall (39), Gorry (4), Gorus (2), Gosper, Gould (13), Grabham (17), Grace (2), Grady (102), Graham (68), Grainger (10), Grandsen, Grangel (6), Gransden (2), Grant (21), Graves (8), Gray (25), Greaves (7), Green (125), Greenaway, Greenfield, Greenhalgh (2), Greenlas (2), Greentrees, Greeny (2), Gregg, Gregory (5), Greig (2), Gresser (12), Gressier (13), Greville (12), Grewalsh, Grice (6), Griffin (32), Griffith, Griffiths (9), Grimley, Grimwood (42), Grinsted (14), Grinton, Grisinger, Grist (6), Groat (8), Gronan, Grose (22), Groves (10), Guggety (14), Guggrty (8), Gumbleton (6), Gundry, Gunn (23), Gunning (12), Gurney (6), Guymer (6), Gwilliam (18).
Hackett (5), Hackney (36), Hafron (2), Hagan (4), Hagger (2), Hahesy (2), Hair, Hale (26), Hales (8), Haley, Halkerston (2), Hall (75), Hallen (2), Hallett, Halliday, Halloran (2), Haly, Hamblin, Hamer (83), Hamilton (17), Hamline, Hammond (13), Hamper, Hancock (13), Handel, Handley (2), Hannaford, Hannan, Hannelly (8), Hanrahan (92), Hansard, Hanson, Haran (2), Harding (7), Hardy (8), Hare, Hargraves (7), Harken, Harley, Harper (2), Harpur (13), Harradine (6), Harraway, Harriott, Harris (54), Harrison (19), Hart (14), Hartfree, Hartigan (8), Hartley (37), Hartnett (2), Harvey (10), Harwood, Haseldon, Haslett, Haslop (11), Hassall (40), Hasted, Hastings (3), Haswell (8), Hatfield (22), Hatter (2), Hatton, Hausecheild, Hawe (2), Hawkins (61), Hay, Hayes (37), Haynes (9), Hayward (8), Haywood (86), Hazelbush (2), Hazelgrove, Heady, Heair, Healy (4), Hearne (2), Heath (18), Heatley (5), Heavener (8), Heelan (2), Heffron, Hellyer (24), Hely, Hempstead, Hemsworth (75), Henderson (15), Hendry, Heness, Heney (2), Henley (43), Hennessy (24), Henning, Henry (20), Heron (5), Herridge (7), Herrin, Herring (12), Hewitt (4), Hibbard, Hickey (13), Hickinbotham (2), Hicks (20), Hickson (6), Higgins (54), Hilder (4), Hill (54), Hillier, Hillman (4), Hillsdon, Hillyer (2), Hinchcliffe, Hinchy, Hines (2), Hingley (2), Hinton (12), Hitch, Hives, Hoadley, Hobbs (17), Hobby (2), Hoch, Hockey, Hocking (2), Hockney, Hodge (32), Hodges (58), Hodson (10), Hogan (21), Holden, Holder, Holland, Holley, Holman (18), Holmer, Holmes (34), Holohan (22), Holten (2), Home (9), Honeyman (42), Hood (18), Hoodlock, Hook (2), Hooley, Hooper (20), Hope (18), Hopgood (20), Hopkins (3), Hopper (7), Hopwood, Horan (12), Horner (20), Hornery, Horscroft (7), Horspool, Horton (30), Hoschke (13), Hosford, Hosie (31), Hoskisson, Hotchkiss (8), Hotham (43), Houlahan (2), Houliston, Howard (105), Howarth (17), Howe (7), Howell (23), Howie (5), Howlett, Howley (2), Hubbard, Huddle, Hudson (44), Hugall, Hughes (65), Hulks (12), Hull (5), Humphries (38), Hunking (13), Hunt (68), Hunter (15), Hunton, Hurcombe, Hurford (22), Hurley (8), Hurst (21), Hutchin (19), Hutchinson (75), Hutchison (22), Hyde (15), Hyland (16), Hynan, Hyndman, Hynds (27), Hyperonimus (8).
Icely (3), Ingersole (65), Ingham (2), Ingram (7), Innes (9), Inwood (23), Irvine, Irving (7), Ison (12), Israel, Ivory.
Jackman (4), Jackson (2), Jacobs (29), Jacobson (10), Jager, Jaggers (10), James (21), Jamieson, Janverin, Jarman (3), Javens (4), Javers, Jefferson, Jeffries, Jelbart (10), Jenkins (17), Jenks, Jenkyns (10), Jenner, Jennings (7), Jex, Jobling (3), Jobson (11), John, Johns, Johnson (108), Johnston (38), Johnston ?, Johnstone (2), Jolly (7), Jones (183), Jordan, Jose (3), Josephs, Josh, Joyce (5), Juxx.
Kable (100), Kaylock (6), Kean (22), Keane (18), Kearnes, Kearney (74), Kearns (20), Keating (5), Keefe (2), Keeffe, Keen, Keenan (13), Keeping, Keevil, Kefford (29), Kelk (25), Kelly (50), Kemp (24), Kempthorne, Kemshall (9), Kenedy, Kenna (9), Kennedy (6), Kenny (25), Kent (6), Kenyon (2), Kerin (16), Kerr (39), Kershaw, Kerwick (22), Kessell, Kessey (32), Kiely, Kilby, Kilford, King (99), Kingham (14), Kinsman (2), Kirby (9), Kirk (12), Kirkman (32), Kirwan (2), Kissell (40), Kite (50), Kitson, Kitt, Klein, Kluge (4), Knapp (3), Knight (32), Knight (Walsh) (3), Knights (7), Knür, Koch, Koebcke (3), Krieg (3), Kroeber (2), Kropp, Kuehne (2).
L’Estrange, Lake (4), Lamb (7), Lambert (9), Lambourn, Lamming, Lamont (12), Lancaster (10), Landsborough (3), Lane (35), Lanfranche, Lanfranchi (2), Lang (31), Langford (25), Langley (13), Laracy (8), Larkham (2), Larkin, Larnach (18), Larven (17), Laurenson, Lavender (14), Law, Lawford, Lawler (55), Lawless (6), Lawrence (4), Lawry (5), Lawson (65), Laycock (11), Le Clos (6), Leadbeater, Leake (2), Lean (3), Leary, Leavy (4), Lee (115), Leete, Leitch (8), Lenane, Lenertz (18), Lennon (14), Lennox, Leonard (4), Lettman, Levins (10), Lew (5), Lewin (8), Lewis (111), Ley (14), Licet (2), Lidster, Lilly, Limonaire (2), Lindsay, Linn, Linnane (20), Linstor (2), Liscombe (9), Lisle (8), Lister (18), Litchfield (3), Little (2), Livingston (3), Livingstone (11), Lloyd (55), Locke (16), Lockery, Lockett (8), Lockhart (30), Lockie, Loftus (18), Lofty (8), Logue (46), Lomas (2), Loneragan (16), Long (3), Longford, Looke, Lord (6), Lorimer (5), Loudon (14), Loughran, Louis, Love (2), Lovell (2), Lovett (10), Lowe (45), Lowry (7), Loxley (14), Luck (11), Lucy, Luraschi, Luttriel, Luxton, Lydiard (12), Lyle, Lynagh, Lynch (32), Lynn (6), Lynne (4), Lyons (2).
Mabbutt (5), Maberly (2), MacColl, MacDonald, MacDougal (20), MacFarlane, MacGrath, MacGregor (8), MacLeod, MacPherson, MacQueen (8), MacRae (5), Macafee (2), Macarthur, Macauley, Macauliffe, Maccabee (16), Macdonald (2), Machattie (70), Mack, Mackander (11), Mackay (18), Mackel, Mackenzie (58), Mackey (13), Mackie, Mackinney (11), Macklin (11), Maclean, Macqueen (16), Macrae (11), Madden (13), Maddy (19), Madigan, Magee, Maguire, Maher (12), Maher-Jones, Mahomed, Mahon (2), Mahoney (10), Maier (6), Maish (13), Major (3), Makepeace (6), Males (10), Mallard (2), Mallett (10), Malloy, Malone (12), Maloney (22), Manby, Mandeville, Mannell (25), Manning (3), Manns, Mansell (35), Manser (2), Mansfield, Manton, Mara (27), Marion (2), Maris (62), Marjoram (5), Marlin (16), Marr, Marriott, Marsden (19), Marsh (18), Marshall (37), Marston (2), Martin (119), Marvell, Mason (2), Massey (2), Masters (2), Masterson (2), Matheson (10), Mathews (4), Mattes, Matthews (34), Maudson (2), Maxwell (2), May (31), Mayberry (12), Maybury, Maynard (4), McAlister, McAnnaly, McArtney (11), McAviney (27), McBane (2), McBean, McBride, McCabe (13), McCann (7), McCarthy (32), McCauley, McClelland (2), McCloskey, McClure (7), McClurg, McColl (15), McConnell (10), McCormack (25), McCourt (4), McCrossin, McCudden (5), McCurdy, McDade, McDiarmid (3), McDonald (7), McDonnell (12), McDougall (8), McEvoy (13), McEwen (6), McFee (4), McGann (8), McGarry (63), McGee (6), McGeorge (2), McGill (10), McGonegal, McGovern (3), McGrath (98), McGregor, McGuinness, McGuire (15), McGuirk (10), McInnes (7), McIntosh (19), McIntyre (5), McKay (48), McKell (7), McKellar (24), McKelvey, McKenna (2), McKenzie (39), McKeon (6), McKinnon (101), McKitt (26), McKone (2), McLachlan (10), McLachlin, McLaren, McLaughlan, McLaughlin (2), McLean (2), McLellan, McLennan (7), McLeod, McLutchey, McMahon (4), McManus, McMiles (7), McMillan (4), McMillen, McMullen (5), McNab (2), McNamara (22), McNeilly, McPeak, McPhee (14), McPherson (29), McPhillamy (52), McQuade (6), McQueen, McQuiggan (2), McQuillan, McRae (3), McRea, McShane (5), McSherry (2), McSorley (2), McSpedden (24), McVicar (10), Mcarthur (3), Mcmahon, Mead (32), Meaney (4), Medaris (40), Meehan, Meeks (3), Mehaffy, Mellon, Mellor, Melton (50), Melville, Mendham (6), Meneary, Menzies, Meppom, Meredith, Merrick (42), Merriman, Merris, Merry (2), Meryett (4), Metcalf (12), Mewett (2), Michel (2), Michelle, Middlehurst (11), Middleton (7), Mileham (3), Miles (13), Millage (2), Millar (9), Miller (99), Millgate (2), Milligan (2), Mills (19), Milne (15), Milton (18), Minehan (17), Minell (3), Minogue (2), Mitchell (17), Moad (15), Mockler (14), Moffit, Moffitt, Mogford, Mogg (3), Molloy (4), Monaghan (4), Moneghan (2), Monihan, Montgomery (45), Mood, Moon (3), Moore (63), Moran (20), Morcom (7), Moreau, Moreton, Morgan (132), Moriarty (17), Morisset (30), Morley, Morris (84), Morrison (21), Morriss, Morrow (11), Morthorpe, Mortimer (31), Morton, Moss (7), Mould, Moult (4), Moulton, Mouzer (2), Moxom (4), Moxon (29), Moynahan, Mugan (2), Mugridge, Muir (6), Mulberry (2), Muldoon (10), Mulholland (4), Mullally (2), Mullaly (4), Muller (7), Mulligan (2), Mullins (12), Muncer, Munro (21), Murdoch, Murnane (4), Murphy (46), Murrant, Murray (59), Musgrave (15), Mutton (57), Myers, Mylecharane, Myles.
Nagal, Nagle (12), Nancarrow (19), Nash (30), Naylor, Neale (2), Neary (14), Neil (10), Neill (2), Neilson, Nelson (4), Nettle (8), Neukom, Neville (32), Newcombe (11), Newell, Newman (8), Newth (3), Newton (7), Nicholls (2), Nicholson, Nightingale (80), Nixon (25), Nobes (2), Noble (9), Nolan (12), Noonan (46), Norbury (23), Norris (22), Northcote (9), Northey (23), Norton (19), Nott, Nunan (18), Nunn (7), Nurden (8), Nutter (16).
O’Boyle, O’Brien (97), O’Burn, O’Connell (20), O’Connor (14), O’Donnell (13), O’Donoghue, O’Dwyer (3), O’Ferrall (2), O’Gorman, O’Grady, O’Hara, O’Hare, O’Keefe (9), O’Keeffe (20), O’Leary (5), O’Maley, O’Malley (27), O’Neil, O’Neill (49), O’Regan (47), O’Riley, O’Rourke (16), O’Shea (3), O’Sullivan, Oakes (29), Oakey, Oates (2), Oberdorf, Oberdorff, Odgers (32), Oglethorpe (13), Oldfield, Oldham, Olivier (15), Onus (2), Osborne (35), Owen (29), Owens (18), Oxenham (47).
Packham (2), Paddison (13), Page, Paine, Palmer (98), Palser (8), Pannifer, Parfitt, Park (8), Parker (86), Parkes (12), Parr (5), Parris, Parsley (4), Parsons (3), Pascoe (24), Pateman (15), Paterson (16), Paton (10), Patrick (2), Patterson (45), Pattinson, Pattison, Paul (39), Pauling, Payne (11), Paynter (5), Peachey (19), Peachy, Peacock (45), Peak (6), Pearce (26), Pearcey (2), Pearse (7), Pearson (8), Peasley, Peate (18), Peck Williams, Pederson, Pedrotta (10), Peek (7), Peers (16), Pegg, Pegge (2), Peime (14), Peisley (20), Penhall (13), Pennefather, Percival (11), Perdue, Perin, Perrett (2), Perrin (9), Perrott (12), Perry (9), Peters (14), Peterson (2), Petherbridge (15), Pett, Pettett (23), Pettit (26), Pfahl (15), Phelan (13), Phelps, Phillip (9), Phillips (50), Philpot, Pickard (8), Pickering, Pickup (15), Pickworth (15), Pierce (3), Pilley, Pinchen (2), Pinsent, Piper (114), Pirie (25), Pithouse, Pittendrigh (22), Platt (4), Pleffer (13), Plowman, Plowright, Plumb, Plummer (31), Plunket, Pocknall (22), Pocock (14), Pollard (19), Pollett (14), Pook (2), Pophan, Popple (3), Popplewell-Massey (12), Porter (5), Post, Potbury, Poulson (4), Powell (17), Power (10), Pownall (20), Poyitt (12), Pratley (9), Pratt, Preinsar (3), Prendergast (2), Press (36), Pressick (12), Preston, Pretyman, Price (7), Priest (2), Prigg (5), Prime (8), Primmer (11), Prince (3), Prior (42), Pritchard (2), Prosser, Prout (2), Pruen (3), Pryce, Pryor (33), Pugh (11), Pullen, Pulsford, Punnett, Purcell (41), Purdon, Purnell, Purser (34), Purvines (7), Purvis (2), Pusell (18), Pussell, Putland, Pye (15), Pymble, Pymont (17).
Quaid, Quig, Quigley (12), Quillinane, Quin (2), Quinlan, Quinn (26), Quirk (2).
Rabett (4), Radburn (40), Radden, Rae (3), Rafferty (5), Raine (33), Rainger (21), Raith, Raitt, Ralph (4), Ramsden, Randall (7), Randell (2), Ranger (4), Ranken (21), Raphael (28), Raven (4), Rawson (55), Ray (9), Rayner (2), Rea (8), Read (38), Reddan (3), Redding (14), Redfern (32), Reed (2), Reedy (8), Rees (2), Reeves (14), Regan (20), Reid (3), Reidy (8), Reilly (15), Rembert, Rendall (7), Rendell, Renehan (5), Renshaw (3), Rex, Reynolds (10), Rheinberger (12), Rhodes (7), Rice (13), Richards (23), Richardson (19), Riches (12), Richey, Rickard, Rickards-Larkin, Rickwood, Ridley (19), Riemenschneider (10), Rigby (14), Rigney (13), Riley (35), Rindfleish (8), Ring (3), Riordan (10), Ritchie (6), Rivers (3), Rivett (47), Roach (8), Robards (7), Roberts (39), Robertson (7), Robinson (39), Robison (3), Rodney, Rodwell (37), Rogan (3), Rogers (28), Rolfe (4), Romig (2), Roper (33), Rorison (12), Rose (8), Rosemurgey (2), Roseworn (3), Ross (67), Rosser (3), Rothery (2), Rotton (38), Rourke (27), Rouse, Rowan (17), Rowe (23), Rowland, Rowles, Roxborough, Royle, Rue (24), Rugglesford, Running, Rush, Rushton (22), Russell (79), Rutherford (13), Rutledge, Rutter (13), Ryan (234).
Sadleir (8), Sadler, Sager (23), Sales (4), Sambrook (3), Sandell (15), Sanderson (10), Sandford, Sandrey (2), Sandry (21), Sankey, Santry (2), Sappey (11), Sappy, Sarah, Sarchfield (13), Sargeant (2), Sargent (7), Saul (4), Saunders (24), Saunderson, Savage (3), Sawyer (24), Sayer (2), Scanes, Scannell, Scarr (10), Scarvell, Schofield (9), Schumacher (2), Schwer (15), Scotford (12), Scott (41), Scrogings (2), Seach (38), Seage (37), Seaman (18), Search, Searles, Sedger, Seldon, Sellheim (4), Selmes (19), Semon, Semple (2), Serjeant (15), Seward, Sewell (142), Seymour (70), Shakespear, Shallvy (5), Shanahan (8), Shannon, Sharkey (3), Sharp (12), Sharpe (4), Shaw (18), Shawcross (2), Shea (40), Shearer, Shears, Sheather (10), Sheehan (25), Sheens (2), Sheerin (7), Sheldon (11), Shenick, Shephard, Shepherd (47), Sherack, Sheridan (12), Sherlock, Sherman (52), Sherringham (2), Sherry (2), Shindlair (22), Shine (3), Shirlaw (54), Shoesmith (3), Shoot (7), Shore (27), Short (43), Shortill, Shumack (48), Shute (53), Siemon (7), Silk (5), Simmons (17), Simons, Simpson (40), Sims, Sinclair (34), Single, Singleton (2), Sinnett (23), Sinnott (2), Skardon (19), Skillicorn (9), Skillion (2), Skinner, Slack (7), Sladden, Slader, Slapp, Slattery (24), Slavin (31), Slayford, Sleaford, Slingsby (15), Sloane (79), Sloggett (30), Sloman (14), Small, Smee (5), Smeed (10), Smith (498), Smyth, Snodale, Snow (16), Snowling (6), Soden (84), Sollis, Sommer, Sorrell (26), Sotzenbach, Southall (11), Southcott (15), Southwick, Spargo (3), Sparkes, Speed, Spence, Spencer (7), Spenser (4), Spicer (33), Spink (26), Spinks (5), Spooner, Squires (3), St Ledger (3), Stabler, Stacey (2), Stack (6), Staines (81), Stait (10), Stammers (3), Stanbury (5), Stanford (34), Stanger (41), Stanley (18), Stanton (2), Staples (4), Stapleton (31), Stapley (14), Starr (15), Stead (2), Steel, Steenson (5), Steeples, Stephens (16), Stevens (42), Stevenson (4), Stewart (81), Stigant, Stilsby (5), Stimpson, Stock (10), Stocks (11), Stockwell (6), Stoddart (9), Stollery (9), Stone (16), Stonestreet (3), Stott (2), Strachan (2), Strange (26), Strathdee (3), Stratton, Street (31), Strickland, Strothers, Stroud, Stuart (15), Stuckey (2), Sullican, Sullivan (98), Sunderland (4), Surry, Sutherland (27), Suthill, Sutton (5), Suttor (62), Swan (11), Sweeney (3), Sweetman (7), Sweetnam (44), Swift (12), Syer (8), Sykes (7), Symons (2).
Tagg, Tangye (5), Tanner, Tapp, Tapscott (8), Taylor (64), Teagle (2), Teal, Teasdale (2), Temby, Terrence, Terrey (3), Terry, Tetlow (2), Thomas (84), Thombs, Thompson (141), Thoms (12), Thomson (18), Thorn (2), Thorncraft, Thornton (7), Thorpe (2), Thurley (2), Thurling (89), Tibbetts (6), Tidex, Tiernan (7), Tierney (10), Tilley (2), Tindale (50), Tinker (11), Tinning, Tinning-Allan, Tobin (48), Todd (17), Toffort (3), Tom (36), Tooby (8), Toohey (17), Toole (16), Toovey, Totten (3), Touzell (55), Townsend (20), Tracey, Tracy (2), Traill (5), Transwell, Travers (3), Travis, Traynor (12), Treanor (30), Trebilcock, Trefry (11), Tregoning (10), Tremain (19), Trenaman (2), Treneman (11), Tress (29), Trevarthen (15), Trevena (24), Trewren (9), Trott, Trotter (4), Trueman, Truscott, Tucker (2), Tuckwell (15), Tunney (5), Turkington (2), Turnbull (76), Turner (39), Tutton, Tuzo (4), Tweedie (7), Twiss (9), Tyman, Tyson.
Ulph, Underwood (14), Unwin (22).
Vane (6), Varagnolo (3), Vaughan (49), Vaux (2), Veil (12), Veitch, Vennard (2), Vickers (20), Vickery (25), Vincent (5), Vines (9), Vogwell (5) .
Waddell (26), Wade (8), Wadsworth (2), Wainwright (2), Walden (17), Walder (10), Waldron, Walker (45), Walkom, Wall (2), Wallace (31), Wallis (6), Walpole (2), Walsh (40), Walter, Walton (14), Warburton (5), Warby (10), Ward (85), Wardman (131), Wardrop (27), Ware (2), Wark (24), Warren (3), Waters (6), Watkins (22), Watson (27), Watt (26), Watterson, Watts (17), Way, Weal, Wearne (9), Weatherill (6), Weaver (9), Weavers (2), Webb (29), Weber, Webster, Weekes (26), Weeks (2), Weir (31), Welch (3), Weller (4), Wellington (13), Wells (2), Welsh, Wenham (10), Wessell, West (20), Westerby, Westlake (2), Weston (15), Westwood, Whalan (62), Whatley (16), Wheatley, Wheaton (3), Wheeldon, Wheeler (2), Whelan (3), Whiley (11), White (71), Whiteford (5), Whitehead (2), Whitehorn (4), Whiteman (44), Whiteside (14), Whitford (13), Whitmore, Whittaker (88), Whybrow (2), Wiburd (15), Wicks (7), Wigley, Wilcockson, Wilcox (68), Wilde (2), Wilds (8), Wilkins (3), Wilkinson (32), Willard, Willcott, Williams (188), Williamson (52), Willis (4), Willott (17), Wilson (105), Wilton (12), Windred, Windschuttel (3), Windsor (2), Winterheld, Winters, Winton, Wise (12), Wittstock, Wogan (3), Wolf (32), Wolfe, Wolstenholme (2), Wood (36), Wooderson, Woodgate, Woodhart (2), Woodhead (2), Woodley (52), Woods (28), Woodward (3), Woolis, Wooller, Woolley (11), Woolnough (3), Workman, Worsley (4), Wray (19), Wright (58), Wrighter (5), Writer (17), Wyatt, Wyborn (24), Wye (2), Wyeatt (8), Wyldes, Wynack (11), Wythes (7).
Yardley (3), Yates (50), Yeates (14), Yendall, Yeo (13), Yeomans (18), York, Youdale (5), Young (49), Youngman (19).